I've loved the Halo series. In fact,
Halo: INFINITE's Campaign and Multiplayer are satisfactory.
But it really upsets me and apart from my personal problems,
343 Industries is digging its own grave and abandoning its trust from fans.
WTF are you doing 343i? Stop doing such dirty things!
This HAZOP Mjolnir combat suit was free during Halo Reach.
And All of Reach Armor too. in fact, t
his was a free item included in Heroes of Reach Battle Pass.
this is really not good!
Are you kidding me 343i?
They're just deceiving users and trying to make money
with bull shit customization systems.
Even these items were existing contents,
why did you hide the existing ones, of course,
the items we could get from playing games, take them out,
and sell them for money?
You guys are really crazy! 20 dollars? why we have to pay for 20$ this?
even we already buy 59$ Campaign, 10$ Battle pass!
And why do we have to pay for the same armor coating?
Colors were all free before, but now even if I try to use the same color,
do I have to pay for each armor coating?
There was no such terrible billing model in the other games!
Please Stop doing this shit, if you guys want to make money,
you guys have to sell other Special Items,
not Basic items that we could use before.
This is So rude behavior to Every Halo fan.