English Post (Global Space)/Global Society Posts

We are angry at the ignorance of Western society caused by the coronavirus.

JAE1994 2020. 3. 24. 22:00

This picture shows a Singapore Asian man who was mistaken and assaulted as a Chinese in London on March 5.


China's Wuhan virus is spreading all over the world,

and this is causing the indiscriminate racist crimes

white people inflict on Asian people in Western societies.

I'm really angry about that.

He wasn't Chinese, he was Singaporean, 

but he was despised for being Chinese, 

and he was assaulted without asking any questions.

I can't stop being indignant about this atmosphere.

Of course, I understand their anger toward China and the Chinese,

the origin of the coronavirus.

I'm angry, too. but, We're all their victims.

and there are a lot of pure Chinese immigrants

who are not related to him.

but in principle, all races around the world are victims of the coronavirus.

But the public neglect and racism of their Asians originally continued even before the coronavirus. It's just the surface of this case.


However, anger and hatred of certain races only make things worse.

We will have to stop the ignorant act. and spying on China, the source of the virus,

and holding it accountable. and have to stop brutally assaulting and criticizing unrelated Asians.



