JAE1994 2020. 3. 24. 22:22


We all know that the level of transplantation in the Halo Reach PC version is excellent.

Of Course, The game is old, but it's fun enough to play now.

PC Version is looking good.


At 4K resolution, 60 frames are enough as RX 480, . 

But graphics aren't bad to look at right now.

The viewing angle is also adjustable, which is superior to the XBOX 360 version.

 60 frames, wide viewing angles. Everything is good. 


Better graphics are also possible by using tools such as reshade.


While visual improvement is good, 

the soft experience unfolding in the 60th frame brings back even more old nostalgia 

and improves the playing experience.

Experience the desperate struggle of Noble 6 with higher resolution and beautiful frame rate. 

Besides, the price is cheap!


I think multiplayer should have made some modifications.


When it comes to multiplay, 

however, there is a regret over what it would be like if 343 Industries added a little bit more balance.

We all Know Reach Multiplay was terrible, Because of Armor Rock, Too much Strong DMR..

There are many things exist to make terrible multiplayer balance, However, the 343 supports the DMR Slayer mode in matching, 

and still forces a single-shot weapon-oriented game play.



However, compared to the recently released version of the Halo CE PC,

the Halo Reach PC version is complete.
